IFX Group Home
The IFX Group specializes in making things easier for you to reach your goals with a constant eye on the future so effort invested today continues to reap rewards tomorrow.
This is our demonstration site that serves as our humble showcase for the different tools and features we offer to our clients. It also serves the community as a source for freely available information, tools, source code and media. You are encouraged to look around. Several decades are represented in what you see here. Feel free to look at the source code for our web pages and style sheets to see how we build efficient, high quality web presence using industry standards that cross all browser and operating system platforms. The big secret is that our web site designs gracefully scale to virtually any volume using any web server technology effortlessly hosted on any operating system. If you want absolutely un-hackable protection in your web hosting service, we can offer that too. But for now, explore and enjoy.
Current Features
Blog for May, 2014: Words vs. Communication.
Learning how to write is much easier than learning how to communicate effectively because writing alone does not care if or how the words are received. Great writers throughout the ages are admired by readers primarily for their ability to craft thought and emotion into words but words are not always the goal. Ask experienced writers about the most important part of their work and you may be surprised to find it is less about the words and more about...
File Selection: Netmask Calculator (netcalc.zip)
A command line utility to calculate TCP/IP netmasks. One of the more confusing parts of creating networks with the TCP/IP protocol is creating a network mask that correctly defines the size of the network. This tool was originally written to visually demonstrate how a router views a netmask and at the same time allow a human to interactively gain valuable what-if knowledge of their network. This is a must-have tool for any network engineer.
This site is hosted on a server using the IPAD-OS platform from the IPAD Owners Association, Inc. The IPAD-OS is a mature and proven technology that stands alone in the security world as the only operating system that has successfully resisted hacker attack since 1994 without a single kernel exploit.
Are you here by mistake? We keep a short list of other companies that use IFX in their name for your convenience.

Note that we have taken our time to build web pages that conform to the standards published by the World Wide Web Consortium. Please take a minute of your time to make sure you are you using a web browser that works correctly with these standards.
We strongly suggest that you view this web site with a standards compliant web browser such as the Firefox or Chrome web browsers. If things happen to look OK on older browsers, consider yourself lucky because web technology is still moving forward.
Standard disclaimer: The people on our staff are incapable of committing any typographical or grammatical errors. We may choose, however, to randomly create educational opportunities for others to practice their proofreading skills.
You should know the origins of the information on this web site may be internal or external to the IFX Group. The IFX Group makes a reasonable effort to verify the information before publishing. However, the information is provided for your personal use only. The IFX Group makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity or accuracy of this information.